Dwelling Condition
Dwelling condition measures the percentage of homes in need of major repair.
Why this matters
Dwelling condition is an indicator of the state of repair of housing – a key element of the built environment.
Measurement and Limitations
This indicator reports the percentage of dwellings reporting that major repairs are needed, where major repairs include items like “defective plumbing or electrical wiring, structural repairs to walls, floors or ceilings”.
Data from 2006 and earlier was part of the long-form of the Canadian Census. In 2011, the long-form was cancelled, and this question was made part of the National Household Survey (NHS). Though the questions are comparable, the NHS was a voluntary survey whereas the Census long-form was mandatory (with a 94% response rate). Though data quality is lower (worse) in the NHS, it remains comparable to previous years.
Data Source
Statistics Canada: Census 2001-2016; NHS 2011
The most recent data for this indicator was made available in 2017. This data is updated for each census year, as the data becomes available.
Dwelling Condition in the Sustainable Development Goals
Click on the SDG to reveal more information
1. End poverty in all its forms everywhere
Extreme poverty rates have been cut by more than half since 1990. While this is a remarkable achievement, one in five people in developing regions still live on less than $1.90 a day, and there are millions more who make little more than this daily amount, plus many people risk slipping back into poverty.
Poverty is more than the lack of income and resources to ensure a sustainable livelihood. Its manifestations include hunger and malnutrition, limited access to education and other basic services, social discrimination and exclusion as well as the lack of participation in decision-making. Economic growth must be inclusive to provide sustainable jobs and promote equality.